Cork College of FET Tramore Road Campus


Cork College of FET Tramore Road Campus


Cork College of FET Tramore Road Campus


Fees & Payment

Take the first step!



For 2025-2026, no fees apply to Post Leaving Certificate Courses. However, applicants who are offered a place on a course of their choice will be required to pay a non-refundable Registration Charge of €50 to confirm their acceptance.

Some courses may require learners to obtain specific kits or equipment necessary for participation on the course. These items must be paid for by the learner and will remain the property of the learner on completion of the course. Details of any required kits or equipment are detailed on the course information pages and will be confirmed in communication from the campuses.

In addition, some courses provide for some optional activities or components that may involve an additional charge. The details of these optional activities or components are detailed on the course information pages and will be confirmed in communication from the campuses. The learner will be required to cover any fee(s) in relation to any optional activities or components they choose to avail of.

Course Fees 2025/2026:

QQI (Quality & Qualifications Ireland) examination fees are €50 for Level 5, or €80 for Level 6.

Some courses are certified by other accrediting bodies in full, or may have additional certification from such bodies as well as the QQI certification. Each of these bodies set their own examination fees and these may vary slightly from year to year due to exchange rates. Individual course costs on the college fees page, include these fees.

All students who receive VTOS are exempt from paying examination fees; students who are holders of a Medical Card or a dependant of a Medical Card holder are exempt from paying QQI examination fees only.

By accepting an offer of a place, you are accepting the terms and conditions of CETB regarding fee payments.

Refund Policy

For details on how to apply for a refund of your fees, please visit the Refund Policy page HERE.

Financial Supports

SUSI Grant

Further education (PLC) students will be eligible to receive PLC maintenance grants. For more information on these please visit (Student Universal Support Ireland). Please note that grants are means tested.

If eligible the amount of the grant is dependent on the distance students travel from their place of residence to the college. It is advisable for students to apply as early as possible for maintenance grants.

For further information please see


For detailed information about VTOS eligibility and applying, please visit our VTOS page HERE.

BTEA (Back to Education Allowance)

The Back to Education Allowance (BTEA) is a scheme for unemployed people, lone parents and people with disabilities who are getting certain payments from the Department of Social Protection.

The allowance can be paid to people who wish to undertake approved second or third level courses of education. BTEA is not an unemployment payment. This weekly allowance is not means tested and you can work part-time without affecting your BTEA payment.

Any full time day course provided by Tramore Road Campus is eligible for BTEA as long as the applicant is progressing their level of education qualification i.e. if an applicant has a Level 5 qualification on the National framework of Qualifications (NFQ) they must undertake a course that leads to a Level 6 qualification at least

An applicant will qualify for BTEA if they are at least 21 years of age and in receipt of one of the following benefits for at least 3 months (78 days).

  • Jobseeker’s Allowance or Benefit
  • Farm Assist
  • One-Parent Family Payment
  • Deserted Wife’s Allowance or Benefit
  • Widow’s or Widower’s or Surviving Civil Partner’s Contributory or Non-Contributory Pension
  • Prisoners Wife’s Allowance
  • Carer’s Allowance
  • Blind Pension
  • Disability Allowance
  • Invalidity Pension
  • Incapacity Supplement (based on a life Disablement Pension)
  • Or claimed Illness Benefit for two years or more.

However, if you are getting Jobseeker’s Allowance or Benefit or One-Parent Family Payment for at least 3 months (78 days) are aged between 18 and 20 and been out of formal education for at least 2 years you may also qualify.

Also if you are 18 or over and getting Blind Pension, Disability Allowance, Invalidity Pension or Incapacity Supplement for at least 3 months (78 days) you may similarly qualify.

For current information on the schemes qualifying conditions, please contact your local Social Welfare Office or:

Back to Education Schemes,
Department of Social Protection, Social Welfare Services,
Government Buildings, Shannon Lodge,
Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim.
t: (071) 967 2698

How do I apply for the back to education allowance?

If you think you are eligible for the BTEA and you have been accepted on an approved course in the College, you should complete the Social Welfare form BTE 1.

The BTE 1 form is available from your local social welfare office. You can access the form directly and print it off by clicking HERE.

Applications for BTEA must be made prior to commencement of an approved course but late applications will be accepted if received within 30 days of the commencement date of the course, provided there are reasonable grounds for doing so.

Further Information is available at