Cork College of FET Tramore Road Campus


Cork College of FET Tramore Road Campus


Cork College of FET Tramore Road Campus


Science Skills
(Level 4, Part Time)

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BTEI (Back to Education Initiative)

BTEI – Back to Education Initiative:

Are you an early school leaver? Looking to return to education?

Tramore Road Campus offers a wide range of FREE part-time Level 4 QQI accredited programmes under the BTEI (Back to Education Initiative) programme. Our aim is to support the learner to return to education in a friendly, supported and learner centred environment.

Our Level 4 programmes are organised in such a way that learners can achieve a Major Award over one or two years. Alternatively, they may choose to sample a range of subjects from Level 3 or 4 before committing to one area.

What is the Back to Education Initiative?

The Back to Education Initiative (BTEI) provides part-time courses for young people and adults, especially those who have not completed the Leaving Certificate (or equivalent) qualification. The BTEI creates an opportunity to combine a return to learning with family, work and other responsibilities.

Anyone who has left full-time education can take part in a course, but priority will be given to those with less than upper second level education.


All waged and/or unwaged participants with less than leaving certificate standard education are eligible to take part in BTEI funded programmes free of charge.

There are NO FEES payable by EU nationals entitled to, or dependents of persons entitled to:

  • A Medical Card
  • An unemployment payment
  • A means tested Welfare Payment
  • A Family Income Supplement payment

To apply for a BTEI course or to discuss any particular needs please contact:
Neil Murphy at or 085 7372155
Click HERE to download Expression of Interest Form (PDF).


What happens once I have applied?

Once we receive your completed application, we will organise to meet you and discuss your application.

When are the BTEI courses starting?

BTEI courses usually start mid-September.

How much do courses cost?

Courses are free if you are in receipt of any social welfare payment or are a dependent of persons in receipt of a social welfare payment, including a medical card.

Do I need to notify Social Welfare if I am starting a course?

Yes. The BTEI Co-Ordinator will give you a form for Social Welfare to sign/stamp.

Will I receive any additional payment/grant/travel allowance?


What if I get offered a job or have to leave the course?

Please let your tutor and BTEI Coordinator know if this is the case. We welcome learners back should they want to return at a later stage.


Neil Murphy, Course Director
Tel: 085 7372155